Monday, October 29, 2007

A Trip To The Pumpkin Patch With Grandpa McNicol

Grandpa and Londs had a blast at the pumpkin patch, London was amazed at all the pumpkin!
It was a hot day out at the Dixon Ranch Pumpkin Patch, we even went out in the later part of the day and it was still blazing! We were hoping to make it up to Apple Hill while we were visiting, but time didn't allow us. Next Year! I miss the Autumn weather and colors as well as all the fun festive things that are at your finger tips. We have pumpkins in a parking lot as our pumpkin patches... it just isn't that appealing or as fun! I was glad Grandpa took the time to take us to the Punpkin Patch:0

We got a little wagon to pull our little pumkin around, it was a bumpy ride!

Dirty Girls have more fun!!!!

Grandpa and Londs by the HUGE hay tractor!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whoah, neat pics! That sure does look like a ton of fun. Say hi to Dad for me :)