Sunday, January 06, 2008

Christmas 2007

Okey! I know we are already into the New Year six days, but I had to throw a few pictures on from our trip to Sacramento for Christmas. We actually came home with the fewest amount of pictures we have ever taken on a trip. Possibly it was the crazy hussle and bussle of the days that kept us from taking so many pictures, however we did get alot of video, and I guess that is what counts in the years to come! Another crazy thing, is that we don't have one single picture of us all together, not one family moment caught still! Bummer!!!

Christmas was a blast! I am so grateful for the time we were able to fly out to be with family! It is always nice to be back in Sacramento with the bros.

Here are just a few of my favorite!

My bundle of cuteness and his tools!!!!!!!

The only picture we took of me during the holidays with my belly, standing with my sister inlaw Christina.

London and all her goods all at once from Grandma McNicol.

Books, books and more books! We love books, Dad and Londs opening gifts.

Our little chesse in Grandpas new Goofy slippers. Slippers for the two goofs!
Grandpa's famous PINK Pancakes with whipped cream and sprinkles for the Pink girl!!!
GUESS WHO??? Santa came to visit London at Grandpas, a personal visit a few nights before Christmas. (Santa: aka Grandpa McNicol and Mrs. Claus: aka Grandma Judy) It was too cute!

London and Santa
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

What a fun trip for you all! WHy do we always go home at different times and I don't get to see you??? Aaaah, it kills me! You are as cute as ever with that belly of yours, wish I was that cute! I'm H-U-G-E!!!!! I loooove London's goods she got. Love the apron and slippers...all so cute. Happy New Year to you guys! Miss you and love your guts!!!

Shannon & Summer said...

Looks like a happy Christmas Marsh!

Kelly O. said...

YAY!!!! I finally found you!! And you all are still so adorable!! Especially London! I can't believe Number #2 is on his way. Well, you've now got another regular blog reader because I just love you guys! How's life? Are you in Vegas or some other part of the country?

Kelly (Miller) Cardon