It is not official, as the birthday boy's birthday is next Monday 4/25... (but close enough)

I thought that this Pirate phase would have ended by now, but it continues to go on and on...

We had a small group of boys gather together for a bit of Pirate sword making (robbie's creativness, made out of pvc pipe, spray paint and stickers) A game of pin the patch on the Pirate and an instant find of the treasure chest full of goodie bags. (I couldn't bring myself to finish the real treasure hunt planned)

We had a beautiful day

The Cake was a hit for the Birthday boy!
Kingston is always seen with a sword, or two.
It was a great day, much love from family and friends who came to celebrate our little boy's third Birthday!
It is crazy to think how fast these three years have gone.
I remember expecting this little boy and feeling the ultimate excitement of having a little boy. I would have never expected that he would want to dress up in hero capes and pirate outfits, carry a gun or sword all day long.
I expected cars, army men and legos (which he loves these too)His mind is a world of creative wonders ready to burst!
Kingston loves to color/draw, he Lovves to dig (his birthday present, a sand box) Loves rocks and sticks and could play outside all day! He loves to say prayers, give kisses, hugs and cuddles.
He never wants to grow BIG, if someone says "oh you are such a big boy".. he scowls and starts whinning that "he never wants to grow up", "i'm not a big boy, I am little"!
Don't mess with the big/little stuff.
When he wakes up Robbie and I always look at each other and wonder if he will be grumpy or happy.
Lately he is grumpy alll the time with moments of sweetness.
We love him no matter what, even if he scowls and is a grumpy bum!
I could go on and on about our little boy, but I will save you all from the gushiness of mom.
We are so grateful for Kingston in our family and feel so blessed to be his parents!
Happy Birthday lit'l pirate boy! xoxoxox